Hong Kong 5 - 16 Aug 08
Just confirmed today that i need to go HK fr 5 - 16 Aug 08 for UAT.....
Hope got time to do shopping - last trip was quite fruitful - bought many clothes, bags and accessories -)
Dont mizz me during this period lor!
Just confirmed today that i need to go HK fr 5 - 16 Aug 08 for UAT.....
Yep - i shoud be going to New York in Sept!
We did 2 dances + 1 opera excerpt at the suntec city yday - part of the events under Heriatge Fest 2008.
~ kee... thats all for now ~
Today we had our "annual" show at the dou tian temple.
Today all of we use the new make up.. except lpj who stil have some blue on her eyes. I think Jm did a nice job to her face today. Actually, jm got very nice features.
The lady-like official ~
forgot to ask xw: why need to draw the white nose ah?
Me as song zi fairy and palace maid.
I told jm and YA that this is the 1st time i used my this set of hairpc... while Jm and Dc etc dot know use how many times liao =p
xz said she find me prettier in this make up-but i stil think my eyes are badly drawn - hiaz. nevermind, tml practise again.
Group pictures while waiting for our turns to act:
Must mention: the bee hoon is very nice! I told jm i feel like eating chey bee hoon .. and i got to eat it... heee..
Post show..
Only Mr Yap will let me take these type of pictures - hee...
... thats all for 2d la.....
Look at my make up - so ugky yday - eyes so red - so many mistakes! shit! But i am showing cos i want to show u all my nice cst again!
(Side track -i stil got a few cst not yet wear leh - waiting for chances - these are 2 of them which i hope can be worn in near future......)
Ok, Back to show...
No tong er - cos wmy has gone to act soya. Wmy and huay were the most ever "red" persons in kh yday - rushing thru all the 3 shows - we never had people so "red" before - not even hong - haha!
They got to "thank" mx for it - cos mx was down with bad cough and had lost her voice - hence dreams was replaced with 8xain - and wmy had to take over mx's soya boy.
Soya : no soya pics cos i was at back stage...wait for sh to post k..
How come sweet kaley look so blur?
After the show, karen, sh, xw and me went to take some fries at the mac + discuss a bit on the show.
Suggestions from xw:
8 immortals -
jm and hm to change costumes - cos not glam enough. xw felt that the pink cst i wore for bai mudan suit he xian gu more. i agree. but jm cant fit in .. not i dot lend lor. i got bring for her to try de.
Ludong bin
xw felt that i too "teh" already. Yeah - i watched the recording yday - indeed! Next round must be more shou jian else look very "chao ah lian". Nov - think i acting this show again in Oct.
... thats all for now......
I was seaching for some pics just now - and saw some of my previous opera pics.