Training at Hong Kong _ Play !
I think i know why all of us enjoyed the trip so much !
Though "officially" this is a serious training, our main purpose was actually to go there to shop ^^
This trip comprises...
3 working + 1 interview + 2 shopping
Working crew....... PG, me and Sandra
Interview... Joanne is here to interview for the 2 years secondment. Envy her lor - can have such good exposure and extra $$. She is very happy cos she can shop till she drop... Haha... she is very crazy over Jay Chow and shoes =p
Our super-shoppers... Lilian and Christine:- Lilian is My FC, Mr Tay's secretary; while Christine is secretary to Kenneth, our 2nd liner.
These 2 girls really can shop... You should see their energy level when comes to shopping!
I don't quite tell the difference between your "work" and "play", because you used the same picture in both posts! Hahahaha....
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