Yh, yp, wmy and me finally met for cycling today =)
We used to cycle at night.. but have not done that for a long time due to everyone de busy schedule. At the last fish & co gathering, we decided that its time for us to cycle again... so here we are today =D
Xm and Ab are supposed to join us today .. but they cant make it the last minute. Anyway, 4 of us decided to go despite raining......
I was the 1st to reach... hahah ... finally being the 1st to reach! I was the last to reach for the past 2 gatherings cos they were scheduled on weekday and i was stuck with work.
YH thot the today has been cancelled. Initially we thot YP must have used too many broken english and caused YH to mistaken. Then wmy retrieved the msg and we realised that it was YH whose "reading" standard was poor lor...... Opss... no wonder people sa Accountants are good at figures but lousy with ABC.... YH - congrats for passing the ACCA!!! Me and YP waiting for your treat - thanks hor.
Wmy finally finished her 3E project ! Really happy for her cos she sufferred a lot from this course. Wmy - must go and register patent for the project lor...And not to forget... Me and YP waiting for your treat also.. hee
~~~~~~~~ Some photos ~~~~~~
We were "trapped" in MAC for 1 hour plus as it was raining........
At food centre..... resting and quenching thirst......
Actually we rented the bikes for 2 hours. But we only cycled for at most 30 minutes... How come? Haha.. cos we spent most of out time eating and gossiping lor.....
YH looks so sleepy....Next time.. next time we cycle longer k... and earlier also.
Looking forward to our next event ~ yatch.
Missed the one and only sea-fun we had...... flying sunglasses, stiff pleats, tree climbing .... Hahaha......
think yh overworked lah. OT til eyes cant open
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